Wednesday 3 October 2007

School Dinners / Children's Television

Just like buses, it seems that news stories relating to children seem to come in twos and threes... The first headline of interest today relates to the latest report on school dinners (will they never end?) which has found that there has been a decline in the take-up of school meals since they were given a healthy make-over following Jamie Oliver's TV campaign. The full report - Food in Schools - is available to read online now. For further information on this topic, try looking at these previous posts - Nutrition & School Meals and School Dinners.

Today's second story concerns the relative lack of homegrown TV programmes for children. A report by Ofcom has highlighted the decrease in children's programmes which are produced in the UK, despite the fact that such shows are often some of the most popular ones amongst viewers. You can read The Future of Children's Television Programming online, or for further information on children's TV try reading Turn Off The TV! or Children & The Media.

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