Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Busy Week!

A bumper post today, to reflect the number of interesting studies that have come out in recent days. Without further ado...
  • Last Friday saw the publication of the government's independent review into poverty and life chances, chaired by Labour MP Frank Field. Among the recommendations are parenting classes for new mums and dads, as well as a host of other suggestions. The report is entitled The Foundation Years: Preventing Poor Children Becoming Poor Adults, and can be read by clicking here.
  • Finally, a new report from the Policy Exchange thinktank claims that the right support for children with special educational needs should take priority over a policy of 'inclusion in mainstream education at all costs.' To read the full text of Special Educational Needs: Reforming Provision in English Schools, click here.


tahira said...

The website of the first link is closed :(

David Renfree said...

Hi Tahmina

It's another site which has been archived by the government. Have located a copy of the report in a different location and fixed the link.
