Tuesday 19 March 2013

Latest Childcare Developments

Posts tagged 'childcare' have begun to dominate this blog lately, but then the issues of how childcare should be delivered, how it should be funded etc have been in the headlines a lot! There have been a couple of new developments today, so here's the latest on what's going on...

The government has announced plans to allow parents to claim back up to 20% of childcare costs - but not until 2015. To help you get your head around how this might work in practice, the Guardian has published a couple of very useful short articles entitled Childcare Support: What Does It Mean for You? and Childcare Deal: Who are the Winners and Losers?

Also in the news, Professor Cathy Nutbrown, author of last year's Nutbrown Review (see previous post for details) has been strongly critical of the government's plans to reform early years provision, arguing that many of her recommendations have effectively been rejected. You can read her response - Shaking the Foundations of Quality? - in full by clicking here.

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