Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Childcare - Costs and Quality

Two important publications were released yesterday, both with a link to the provision of childcare in the UK. The first is the Family and Childcare Trust's annual Childcare Costs Survey, which made headlines for its claim that many parents are now spending more on childcare than they are on their mortgages. You can read the full text of the report by clicking here, and previous editions of the survey are available here for comparison. Also of interest (while it's available for the next week anyway) is a Radio 4 programme which spends an hour dissecting how different parents manage the cost of childcare.

Also in the news yesterday was the annoucement that a third of nurseries and childminders are currently providing care and education which is rated as 'less than good'. This claim is based on the latest release of inspection statistics by Ofsted, and the figures can be viewed in full from here.

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