Wednesday, 29 October 2014

At What Cost?

One of the most common enquiries I get is how growing up in poverty can have an impact on a child's achievement in school - in fact it's so common that I often use it as a sample topic when showing students how go about searching for material. So if that's a subject you have an interest in, then a new report from The Children's Commission on Poverty (sponsored by The Children's Society) will be very relevant. At What Cost? Exposing the Impact of Poverty on School Life reports on the findings of a survey carried out in September, and examines the various disadvantages that children from low income families can face during their education.

The full report is available here, and a summary version is also available; you can also read some of the comments from participants here, and get a quick overview of the Commission's work from their YouTube channel. Don't forget that clicking on 'Child Poverty' in the Hot Topics menu on the right of the page will display a list of all the related posts on this site.

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