Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Teachers and Twitter

Today's post is probably aimed primarily at our PGCE students, though other site visitors may find it of use too. This morning while glancing through my @UCBChildEd Twitter feed, I found a link (thank you @drkatyvigurs) to an excellent article entitled Why Teachers Are Flocking to Twitter. It's a relatively short piece, but if you've been umming and aahing about whether or not to take the plunge and use Twitter as part of your CPD, then it's full of sensible advice, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of using Twitter for professional purposes.

If you want something more in-depth about using Twitter, the Creative Education website has put together The Creative Education Guide to Twitter. While this document is a couple of years old now, most of its content is still applicable and it's written in a very accessible style. Based on my own experiences of using Twitter, I'd suggest that @TeacherToolkit is a must-follow, as are the various @tes accounts (if you are a PGCE student or NQT, there's even a separate feed for new teachers). But whatever your particular niche or area of interest, whether you want practical hands-on advice or links to new research, there's bound to be users out there who are worth following, and there are way too many out there for me to attempt some sort of definitive list.

This post is a bit less early years focused than normal! If you're feeling left out, have a look at @Duane_Chong's Twitter list 'Fifty to Follow', which generates a feed from a collection of early years people he considers worth following. Plus the Tuesday evening #EYTalking sessions (see previous post for details) are a great way of engaging with other people in the sector. And of course, remember to follow @UCBChildEd... ;-)

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